Here are some other ways to keep that connection alive with your customers:

- While nothing beats face-to-face contact, video communication is the next best thing! 与客户交谈时, 除非屏幕共享非常重要, 视频应该打开,因为这提供了更私人的联系,可以帮助防止与客户的误解.

- Another great way to utilize video communication is by hosting virtual events. Events show that your company appreciates the work and interests of its customers. 建立客户关系需要时间, 但如果你努力了, you’ll most definitely see relationships flourish!

- 有些客户在被要求之前是不会给出反馈的,所以要确保你一直在问. 这打开了沟通的渠道,帮助他们感到舒适地分享他们的想法. 提供匿名反馈的选项可以让客户有一种控制感,让他们觉得自己有价值,而不必表明自己的身份, especially if their feedback is more critical or from a constructive criticism viewpoint.

- 简单地超越和超越总是会改善和保持与客户的联系,增加他们对你的业务的看法和忠诚度. Make your customers feel valued and appreciated. 举办一个客户感谢周,或者其他活动,告诉他们他们对你有多重要.

- Follow up to earn your customer’s appreciation. 这向他们传达了他们的重要性,也可以帮助识别任何糟糕的客户体验.

- Staying connected through social media like 脸谱网, Instagram or Twitter by posting consistently or responding promptly to comments and posts, 回复直接信息是一种有效的方式来保持参与和面对你的客户.

- 不要低估发送十大赌博正规平台在线或给客户打电话的好处! Holding a phone conversation communicates personal attention. 发送个人十大赌博正规平台在线可以在与个人客户的联系中走很长的路,也是与客户保持联系的有效方式.

话虽如此, 与客户保持联系, even in a world full of screens can seem overwhelming and challenging, but thankfully with the continued growth in technology, we can appreciate the tools to utilize to keep those connections strong!